Profile for cabinets Plus 14 – 14+4 upper and lower profile

SKU 6304 Category

4,885.00 L


Profile for wardrobe type plus 14, it is made with progresed aluminum to have a matte anodized finish, elegance, and resistance together. It has dimensions of 17mm with 45mm and 1.5mm thickness. Made for glass with a thickness of 4 mm and for placard board of 18 mm. It can be used both as an upper and lower profile 14 + 4. Its packaging contains 8 units in total ready to cut and install, and all have a total length of 2.35 meters from end to end.
To calculate the sizes of glass, deduct 4mm on the total dimension of the door.


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Profile for wardrobe type plus 14, it is made with progresed aluminum to have a matte anodized finish, elegance, and resistance together. It has dimensions of 17mm with 45mm and 1.5mm thickness. Made for glass with a thickness of 4 mm and for placard board of 18 mm. It can be used both as an upper and lower profile 14 + 4. Its packaging contains 8 units in total ready to cut and install, and all have a total length of 2.35 meters from end to end.
To calculate the sizes of glass, deduct 4mm on the total dimension of the door.


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