Push 80mm

SKU 1908 Category

365.00 L430.00 L


Push Latch is a push latch mechanism for furniture with doors. It is used by pressing on it causing the door to open, as well as providing a soft close to the door. This device allows placing functional doors without the need to use a handle. It is installed by screwing to the surface of the furniture, preferably with self-tapping pozidrive screws with a diameter of 3 millimeters. Similarly, at the time of installation, it is recommended to do it in conjunction with an inverted hinge. It is made of plastic with a finish in gray tones and its presentation for packages of 100 units.


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Push Latch is a push latch mechanism for furniture with doors. It is used by pressing on it causing the door to open, as well as providing a soft close to the door. This device allows placing functional doors without the need to use a handle. It is installed by screwing to the surface of the furniture, preferably with self-tapping pozidrive screws with a diameter of 3 millimeters. Similarly, at the time of installation, it is recommended to do it in conjunction with an inverted hinge. It is made of plastic with a finish in gray tones and its presentation for packages of 100 units.


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