Suport dhe mbulesë për push 80mm

SKU 2005 Category

80.00 L93.00 L


The support with cover is an indispensable piece for the installation of the push-lock system in your cabinets. Inside this piece, the 76.5 mm and 80 mm long push locks are placed. The material with which it is made is long-lasting plastic with a light gray and anthracite gray finish, since it is a piece that will be seen, providing a pleasant and decorative appearance. The dimensions are 89mm long by 15.5mm wide and 16mm high. This piece is designed to conceal and serve as a base for the push closure system and is packaged with 100 units.


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The support with cover is an indispensable piece for the installation of the push-lock system in your cabinets. Inside this piece, the 76.5 mm and 80 mm long push locks are placed. The material with which it is made is long-lasting plastic with a light gray and anthracite gray finish, since it is a piece that will be seen, providing a pleasant and decorative appearance. The dimensions are 89mm long by 15.5mm wide and 16mm high. This piece is designed to conceal and serve as a base for the push closure system and is packaged with 100 units.


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